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Film and TV Reviews

Review: ‘Infamous’Bella Thorne And Jake Manley Are Natural Born Killers For The Social Media...

From the very beginning of Joshua Caldwell's Gen Z Bonnie & Clyde flick, Infamous, we know exactly how it'll end and every single stop...

Review: ‘7500’Joseph Gordon-Levitt Pilots A Well-Crafted, Unconventional Airplane Thriller

Another airplane hijacking movie? This particular sub-genre has become a regular feature of the American blockbuster ever since 9/11, but 7500 promises something different...

Review: ‘Babyteeth’Eliza Scanlen And Ben Mendelsohn Lead Shannon Murphy's Wide-Eyed And Confident Tearjerker

Babyteeth, the confident and heartbreaking debut feature from Shannon Murphy, sounds like one of those YA cancer dramas that have become all-too prevalent of...

Review: ‘I Am Vengeance: Retaliation’Stu Bennett And Vinnie Jones Trade Punches In An Old...

I am Vengeance was an old school kick-in-the-face for genre fans, and for most people probably their introduction to Stu "Bad News Barrett" Bennett,...

Review: ‘Wasp Network’Olivier Assayas' Cuban Spy Thriller Goes Deep Cover Into A Revolution

French filmmaker Olivier Assayas has tackled so many different genres and styles, always appearing to push himself in new directions. But if there's one...

Review: ‘Irresistible’Jon Stewart Delivers The "Undecided Voter" Of Political Comedies

One of the reasons Trevor Noah hasn't quite clicked with The Daily Show audience as Jon Stewart did, is that Stewart was more than...

Review: ‘My Spy’Dave Bautista Lets His Guard Down In A Formulaic But Amusing Action-Comedy...

If you're a muscle-bound guy who either looks like an ex-professional wrestler or actually IS an ex-professional wrestler, then your path to stardom passes...

Review: ‘Eurovision Song Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga’Will Ferrel And Rachel McAdams Deliver...

When Will Ferrell is at this best, be it in Old School, Blades of Glory, Talladega Nights, or whatever, it's when he finds a...

Review: ‘Hamilton’The Room Where It Happened Is Your Living Room, Thanks To Disney+

The room where it happened, it turns out, is in your living room. Disney spent a small fortune, enough cash to make Alexander Hamilton...

Review: ‘The Outpost’Rod Lurie Delivers A Visceral Recreation Of The Bloody Battle Of Kamdesh

It takes nearly an hour into Rod Lurie's stunning war film The Outpost to get to the actual Battle of Kamdesh, but at no...