Princess of the Row

Review: ‘Princess Of The Row’Taylor Buck Shines As A Young Girl Protecting Her Mentally...

It looks like we are now in pre-Oscar season.  Most heavy drama’s searching for the golden prize tend to tackle very touchy Oscar-baity subjects...

Review: ‘Materna’Strong Lead Performances Elevate An Observant Drama About Four Women Bound By A...

“Eight million stories, out there in the naked. City is a pity, half of y'all won't make it” -Jay Z: ‘Empire State of Mind.’ Whenever...
Never Too Late

Review: ‘Never Too Late’A POW Squad Escapes from Their Nursing Home in a Charming...

It seems that in this 2020 summer (usually) blockbuster season, we’re revisiting Vietnam all of a sudden. Last month, we got 5 friends to...

Review: ‘Brother’Clement Virgo’s Directorial Debut Masterfully Examines Manhood, Loss, And Being Young And...

As a (person who still thinks he's a) young black man who was raised in the US on hip-hop and geeky things, I'm frequently...

Review: ‘Robin’s Wish”A Touching Tribute To Robin Williams That Also Sheds Light On His...

When news of comedian Robin Williams’ suicide broke in August 2014, the whole world seems to stop and collectively mourn (much like many currently...

Review: ‘The Rising Hawk’Great Visuals And Strong Fight Choreography Can’t Save This Action Adventure

In 1883, Ukrainian author/poet Ivan Franco wrote the historical fiction “Zakhar Berkut” based on the life of the titular character who was a 90-year-old...

Review: ‘EO’Poland’s Oscar Entry Will Have You Fall In Love With A Donkey's Story

Never in a million years did I imagine that a freaking donkey would deliver the best acting performance of the year! But man, if...
Little Richard

Review: ‘Little Richard: I Am Everything’Lisa Cortés’ Documentary About The Self-Proclaimed King Of Rock...

“I am the originator. I am the eMANcipator. I am the architect of rock 'n roll. Rhythm and blues had a baby, and somebody...
Stephen Curry

Review: ‘Stephen Curry: Underrated’A24 And Apple’s Latest Documentary Highlights The MVP’s Unyielding Determination For...

“I’m different, but I have something to offer” – Stephen Curry Unless you have been living under a rock (or have zero interest in basketball),...

Review: ‘Shattered’Frank Grillo And Cameron Monaghan Star In A Sexy Thriller That Isn’t Really...

From a bird’s eye view, Shattered should be a very intriguing movie. Showcasing a pretty interesting cast, including Cameron Monaghan (Shameless, Gotham), Frank Grillo (MCU...