‘Body Cam’ Trailer: Supernatural Horror Stars Mary J. Blige As A Cop Carrying Evidence...

The Mary J. Blige cop thriller Body Cam is, apparently, a supernatural horror. That was unclear when the project was first announced a couple...

Robert Downey Jr. Is Bringing DC Comic ‘Sweet Tooth’ To NetflixWill Forte, Josh Brolin...

Robert Downey Jr. is switching teams. Sorta. For more than a decade he was Tony Stark, the man at the heart of the Marvel...
black widow release

‘Black Widow’ To Assault Theaters In The UK a Full Week Before US Release

First of all, in today's world why are there different national release dates for films? Second of all, if I can be American for...

‘The Good Lord Bird’ Trailer: Ethan Hawke Is A Nutty, Gun-Toting John Brown In...

So I need to get Showtime now. It wasn't something at all on my list until I saw Ethan Hawke doing a “nuttier than...

‘Unhinged’ Trailer: Russell Crowe Is Pushed Over The Edge In Summer’s First Exclusive Theatrical...

While we've all got July 17th and the debut of Christopher Nolan's Tenet as the bellwether for the future viability of theatrical releases, there's...

Katee Sackhoff Is Bringing Bo-Katan From ‘The Clone Wars’ To ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2

News on season 2 of The Mandalorian just keeps rolling in. A couple of days ago we posted about the possibility of actor Temuera...

Rumor: Emmy-Winner Michelle MacLaren “In The Mix” To Direct ‘Captain Marvel 2’

In the realm of no-brainer rumors, you can add this one from The Direct which claims Michelle MacLaren is "in the mix" to direct...

Robert Pattinson Says Nobody Saw His Indie Stuff, So He Returned To Making Blockbusters

Much like his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson has been judged almost entirely by the glittery vampire movie he made more than a...

‘Hamilton’ Is Coming Exclusively To Disney Plus This JulyMore Than A Year Early

The need for Disney Plus content is STRONG! So strong, Disney has moved up the release of their recording of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway...

Watch The Fiery Finale Of ‘Midsommar’ Recreated In ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’

Like millions of others stuck indoors during the outbreak, I too have become obsessed with Animal Crossing. It's a game I've played in pretty...