Review: ‘Samaritan’Sylvester Stallone's Superhero Drama Is A Blast When It Finally Takes The Mask...

It's honestly refreshing to get a major superhero movie far removed from the cinematic universes of Marvel and DC. Samaritan is a gritty comeback story starring...

Review: ‘Look Both Ways’Lili Reinhart's Effortless Charm Elevates a Standard Film With A Great...

When you look back on your life, do you see one moment, one event that sparks the question, "What If?". That thing that, in...

Review: ‘She-Hulk: Attorney At Law’Makes A Winning Case As Marvel's Funny Legal Superhero Show

If there was a concern going into Marvel's TV show output on Disney+, it's that each series would have the same bland "superhero" personality...

Review: ‘Day Shift’Jamie Foxx Makes A Cool Vampire Hunter But Netflix's Action-Comedy Is All...

Ever since Blade, people love watching vampire-hunting action flicks, especially when that hunter is as cool as Jamie Foxx. But not Foxx's signature slickness,...

Review: ‘Luck’The First Time Is Not The Charm For John Lasseter's Return Animated Film

Apple TV+ and Skydance Media are entering the animation world with their new film Luck. In it, a clumsy young woman fresh from the...

Review: ‘Prey’Amber Midthunder Slays It In A Smart, Ultra-Violent 'Predator' Prequel That Reignites The...

I consider myself a Predator superfan. Always have, ever since Schwarzenegger, Weathers, and Ventura battled the original alien hunter in 1987, I've loved the simplicity...

Review: ‘Not Okay’Zoey Deutch's Fantastic Performance In Hulu's Dark Comedy Will Make Your Blood...

Social media’s grip on society is only strengthening. People turn to it for trends, products, news, simple entertainment, and in some cases, even self-worth....
Phase 5

SDCC: Marvel Announces Phase 5! Confirms Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio Set to Return...

As they are known to do Marvel just set San Diego Comic-Con alight by announcing their entire "Phase Five" lineup, confirming what alot of...

Review: ‘Persuasion’Dakota Johnson Is Miscast In This Misguided Adaptation Of The Austen Classic

Regency is all the rage right now. With shows like Bridgerton and Sanditon and films like 2020s Emma, it's safe to say the era...

Review: ‘The Gray Man’Ryan Gosling And Chris Evans Star In Netflix's Enjoyably Brainless Blockbuster...

The shame in Netflix's massively-budgeted blockbuster star vehicle, The Gray Man, is that it won't matter how good, or not good, it is. Despite stars...