Review: ‘Book Club’ Offers Laughs Of A Certain Vintage

Never having been in a book club before I've always assumed they weren't really about reading books, but about finding one more reason to...

Review: ‘Bloodshot’Vin Diesel Slugs His Way Through A Brawny, Surprisingly Enjoyable Comic Book Movie

If trying to launch a brand new superhero cinematic universe, Sony could've done worse than Bloodshot, a character whose origin story is basically a...

Review: ‘Big Time Adolescence’Pete Davidson Gets The Headlines But Griffin Gluck Truly Wins In...

Debuting at Sundance in 2019,  Big Time Adolescence was the kind of familiar, plucky coming-of-age story the festival trafficks in pretty regularly. What made...

Review: ‘The Banker’Anthony Mackie And Samuel L. Jackson Invest In A Superheroic True Story...

Wealth. When institutional racism is discussed, it is the creation of wealth that has long been denied to black people even after the end...

Review: ‘Uncorked’Mamoudou Athie Delivers A Vintage Performance, But Netflix's Wine Drama Will Leave You...

Wine connoisseurs have always fascinated me. I'm someone who loves wineries and those who understand wine better than I ever could, but don't necessarily...

Review: ‘Selah And The Spades’Power Overshadows Grades In Tayarisha Poe's Stylish, Fearless High School...

“When you’re 17, you have to grab control whenever you can." If those words weren't said by a teenager, you'd be okay with mistaking them...

Review: ‘Trolls World Tour’Not As Earworm-Worthy As Before, But Still A Sweet And Glittery...

Who would've thought Trolls World Tour to be such an important movie in 2020? The 2016 film, which featured Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake...

Review: ‘To The Stars’Kara Hayward And Liana Liberato Dazzle In A Sensitive And Familiar...

Martha Stephens' beautiful and sensitive, if very familiar drama To the Stars arrives a year after its successful Sundance debut. While its story of...

Review: ‘Robert The Bruce’Angus Macfadyen Returns To Save Scotland In A Historical Drama Free...

The myth and the reality of the legendary king of scots clash in the striking and intimate Robert the Bruce.  Those who partake of...

Review: ‘Extraction’Chris Hemsworth Kills 'em Dead In The Russo Brothers' Explosive, Point-Blank Action Flick

During Netflix's rapid ascent to the top of Hollywood's power structure, they've managed to corner the market on many different things: teen rom-coms, prestige...