‘Luther: The Fallen Sun’ Trailer: Idris Elba Returns As The Popular Detective In New...
After five seasons and loads of solved cases, Luther wrapped up its run in 2019. But neither its star, Idris Elba, or its fans...
‘Agent Elvis’ Trailer: The King Is A Deadly Secret Agent Voiced By Matthew McConaughey...
As we wait to find out if Austin Butler will win Best Actor for his performance as "the King" in Baz Luhrmann's Elvis, a...
‘Murder Mystery 2’ Trailer: Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston Are Back On The Case
Adam Sandler has proven himself to be one of the biggest viewership draws for Netflix, making the exclusive deal they inked a real steal....
‘We Have A Ghost’ Trailer: Anthony Mackie And David Harbour Star In Netflix’s Horror-Comedy...
While it doesn't appear that we'll ever get Happy Death Day 3, or even a Freaky 2, writer/director Christopher Landon isn't going anywhere. Instead,...
‘Bill Russell: Legend’ Trailer: Netflix Doc On The NBA Icon And Activist Debuts In...
The title of "legend" gets thrown around pretty easily nowadays. Heck I probably do it, too. But in the realm of sports, it is...
Netflix Announces Sixth And Final Season Of ‘Cobra Kai’
It doesn't come as a surprise that Netflix has picked up its hit Karate Kid spinoff, Cobra Kai, for a sixth season. What may...
‘Your Place Or Mine’ Trailer: Reese Witherspoon & Ashton Kutcher Are Best Friends Who...
Reese Witherspoon has been doing rom-coms for a long time. But now she's older, she's a mom, and the kinds of stories she wants...
‘True Spirit’ Trailer: Teagan Croft Stars In Netflix Film About Teen’s Incredible Sailing Journey...
This is not your typical teen coming-of-age story. Netflix's upcoming film True Spirit is based on the true story of Jessica Watson, who at...
‘The Sea Beast’ Sequel Sets Sail At Netflix
One of the best animated movies of 2022 is getting a sequel! Netflix's CGI adventure The Sea Beast, a How to Train your Dragon-esque story involving...
More Dancing! Netflix Officially Renews ‘Wednesday’ For A Second Season
Get ready for more creepy viral dances! Netflix has confirmed that Wednesday, Tim Burton's smash The Addams Family spinoff series, is coming back for...