31 Days Of Horror: Day 24 ‘Extra Ordinary’ (2019)Directed by: Mike Ahem and Enda...

Synopsis: In Extra Ordinary, Rose, a mostly sweet and lonely Irish driving instructor must use her supernatural talents to save the daughter of Martin...

Review: ‘Anatomy Of A Fall’A Fractured Marriage Is On Trial In Justine Triet’s Palme...

It's in Anatomy of a Fall’s second scene when the titular fall happens. Daniel (Milo Machado-Graner), a visually impaired boy returns home from a...

Review: ‘If You Were The Last’Anthony Mackie And Zoe Chao Have Out Of This...

For all of his blockbuster bonafides, Anthony Mackie's magnetism has always been best deployed in smaller films, particularly of the rom-com genre. For Zoe...

2023 Middleburg Festival Round Up: Cortland Jacoby’s Picks

The 11th Annual Middleburg Film Festival was held over the weekend, bringing cinematic talent and magic to this gorgeous Virginia countryside resort. DC-based movie...

31 Days of Horror: Day 23 ‘The Prey’ (1983)Directed by: Edwin Brown

Synopsis: Six campers go on a camping trip in southern California where they are promptly stalked and killed by a ghoulish man who ultimately...

31 Days of Horror: Day 22 ‘Don’t Let Him In’ (2011)Directed by: Kelly Smith

  Synopsis: Two couples spending a weekend in the country cross paths with a brutal serial killer. As the body count rises, suspicion turns into...

Middleburg Review: ‘The Killer’David Fincher's Hitman Thriller With Michael Fassbender Takes Aim And Misses...

It's not always true that a great filmmaker can then make any movie he works on great. David Fincher is one of the best...

Middleburg Review: ‘Saltburn’Emerald Fennell's Stylish, Kinky Aristocratic Thriller Ensares You In Its Web

If Cruel Intentions and Brideshead Revisited were burned to ashes then laced with acid and smoked, you'd get the sensation of Emerald Fennell's Promising Young Woman follow-up, Saltburn. A constantly-shocking...

Middleburg Review: ‘The Holdovers’Alexander Payne And Paul Giamatti Bring Grumpy Charm To The Holidays

The 1970s aesthetic deployed by Alexander Payne in his charming new dramedy, The Holdovers, isn't a mere gimmick. From the technicolor palette to the pops...

31 Days of Horror: Day 21 ‘Doom Asylum’ (1987)Directed by: Richard Friedman

Synopsis: A horribly disfigured lawyer, wrongfully pronounced dead after a terrible car accident is taken to an asylum for dissection only to come back...