John Carpenter Would Be Down For His Own Sequel To ‘The Thing’

John Carpenter has no problem speaking his mind. That’s the kind of thing you earn when you’re the guy who introduced iconic genre films Big Trouble in Little China, Halloween, The Thing, and Escape from New York into the world. But lately, talking is pretty much all Carpenter does, other than collecting money for reboots of his properties. And he wants you to know two things: first is that he wants that loot to keep on comin’, and second that he would kill it on a sequel to The Thing.

In a conversation with THR, Carpenter wasn’t shy about how he feels about Halloween and other films that keep his movies alive. Especially when they hit big at the box office…

“I feel fabulous about it,” Carpenter said. “It is also fabulous when I look up from my perch on my couch, and a check arrives in the mail. I feel extremely happy.”

While Blumhouse is currently working on its own reboot of The Thing, it’s unclear what Carpenter will have to do with it, if anything. No matter what, Carpenter would be down for doing a true sequel of his own…

“I would like to do a sequel to ‘The Thing,’ or a continuation, something like that. But I don’t know,” replied Carpenter. “See, there are a lot of things in this world I don’t know.”

We’ve seen other attempts by other filmmakers to get The Thing right, and honestly, none have stood up to the original. What do you think? Should Carpenter get a shot to do it himself?