‘Lamborghini’ Interview: Frank Grillo Talks Fast Cars And Taking Risks

Frank Grillo had a chance to do something he’s never done before with Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend. No, not get behind the wheel of one those badass luxury race cars. Grillo got the rare opportunity to have the dramatic lead role all to himself. After playing classic tough guys for the bulk of his career, Grillo steps into the role of Ferruccio Lamborghini, the Italian entrepreneur who began building high-end tractors and catapulted that business into designing the finest luxury vehicles in the world.

Grillo spoke with me about his role in Lamborghini and having the confidence to bet on himself and the advancement of his career. Of course, we also chatted about what it was like to get behind the wheel of those Lamborghinis and what that risk can be when on a production with a limited budget.

Being the action genre die-hard that I am, Frank Grillo has long been a personal favorite. So getting this chance to talk with him as he takes on a different sort of role was a really great experience.

Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend is in select theaters now. Check out my review here and my interview with Grillo below.