Review: ‘Johnny & Clyde’A Disjointed, Out-There Visit To An Age-Old Plotline Brings Plenty Of...

In the 90 years since Bonnie & Clyde went down in a hail of state Police issued lead. The immediate response to the two...

Review: ‘Evil Dead Rise’Lee Cronin Does The Impossible, Revamping A Classic And Delivering One...

Sam Rami’s Evil Dead franchise is one of the most iconic horror franchises of all-time. It’s success was seemingly linked to it’s masterful balance...

Review: ‘Supercell’A Seeming Twister Clone Surprises With A Touching Father/Son Angle

Had anyone heard of a "Storm Chaser" prior to 1995's Twister? I can't recall that being a thing until Bill Paxton and that flying cow...

Review: ‘Luther: The Fallen Sun’Britain's Coolest Detective Makes a Succesful Turn to the Big...

I know when people hear Idris Elba most go right to Stringer Bell from HBO's classic series The Wire as his highlight moment. Those people...

Review: ‘Shotgun Wedding’A Crazy Plot and Confused Tone Are Lifted by the Unending Force...

Jennifer Lopez in a wedding dress seems like it should be considered it's own sub-genre at this point, real life tabloid fodder aside the...

Review: ‘You People’A Powerhouse Cast Elevates A Formulaic Story

Boy meets girl, boy loves girl/girl loves boy, boy/girl's families yell "Not so fast!". Not only is this formula as old as film itself,...

Review: ‘Kids Vs Aliens’Jason Eisner Is Back With A Film That Gives 'Hobo With...

Some movies you just know what to expect from the title. You may think that Kids Vs Aliens falls into that category and you would...

Review: ‘Last Resort’Jon Foo Leads A Middle Of The Road Action Tale That Is...

A retired special forces soldier puts his old skills to new use when his family is threatened, he becomes a one man army. Generally...

Review: ‘Medieval’Petr Jakl Delivers A Beautifully Violent Historical Action Film Telling A Story Few...

When it comes to action sub-genres the European Knight's tale has to have the lead against something like "Mysterious Cowboy Drifts Into Town" and...

Review: ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’Netflix's Remake Is A Hard Look At The...

"War is Hell". A quote pretty much everyone can agree with...well, everyone except the storytellers. Now, I refrain from saying Hollywood there and went...