Home News Marvel Paul Bettany Says Vision’s Return Was Nearly Teased In ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Paul Bettany Says Vision’s Return Was Nearly Teased In ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Paul Bettany is not the actor anyone would think to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, much less having the blast he’s clearly having right now in WandaVision. But the classically-trained actor has really taken to his role as the synthezoid Vision, and also embraced the fanboy aspects of it. And that includes dropping knowledge about the cool things that almost happened in the MCU, like a special Vision tag at the end of Avengers: Endgame.

One of the big questions clouding WandaVision is how Vision is there in this weird sitcom reality with his lover, Wanda Maximoff, in the first place? The last we saw of him, Vision was dead after Thanos ripped the Mind Stone right out of his head. I mean, he had turned all grey and shit like Optimus Prime did in Transformers: The Movie. Well, according to Bettany in an IMDB chat with his co-star Elizabeth Olsen, Vision’s return was almost teased before now…

“At one point I was going to be in a tag, where you opened a sort of body bag drawer and there was the Vision,” Bettany said.

I’m actually surprised they didn’t do that, and glad they held off. His absence has only made us more curious about where WandaVision will go. Chances are it’ll conclude with Vision reactivated and back doing the superhero thing alongside the Avengers.