Get Your Hankies Ready for the Inevitable Tears from the Trailer for ‘YOU GOTTA BELIEVE’

YOU GOTTA BELIEVE, the true story of a youth baseball team who needs to get better fast and is desperate to find the inspiration that will take their team to the top. That inspiration comes in the form of one of the player’s fathers who, after a health scare is left sick. The team decides to dedicate their season to this ailing dad and end up going all the way to the Little League World Series. Whew….if that’s not made for cinema I don’t know what is.

I wanted to start this by saying something about the formulaic nature of these movies but, damn it, I’m not being the cynical one. These days I think a spirit lift like YOU GOTTA BELIEVE is exactly what a lot of us could use right now. Plus, can you really accuse something of being formulaic if it’s based on a true story? Based on Hollywood’s output Little League Baseball is a bastion of drama unmatched anywhere except for the love lives of city dwelling, 20-something, white, female, magazine editors.

Check out the trailer below and look for YOU GOTTA BELIEVE in theaters on August 30th