Review: ‘Freedom’s Path’

Gerran Howell And RJ Cyler Star In A Gripping Tale of Redemption Amidst The Chaos of Civil War

Freedom’s Path centers on a young Confederate soldier, William (Gerran Howell, Young Dracula) who experiences a harrowing moment during his first battle when he witnesses his childhood friend being shot down. In a twist of fate, his rescue comes unexpectedly from an unlikely savior, Kitch (RJ Cyler, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl), a black man operating a section of the Underground Railway. This moment sets the stage for a powerful narrative that explores the complexities of race, freedom, and humanity during a turbulent period in American history.

The film unfolds against the backdrop of the Civil War, where brothers are pitted against brothers, and the nation is undergoing revolutionary change. William and Kitch, both equally stubborn and distrustful of each other, form an uneasy alliance in the midst of this chaos. As William finds himself under the care of Caddy (Carol Sutton, Ray) and Abner (Byrd), free slaves who offer protection to escaped slaves, he experiences a transformation driven by fear and growing respect for a race of people he previously knew nothing about.

To aid in the cause of freedom, William assumes a new identity as a wounded Union soldier, a guise that places him in the heart of the Underground Railroad’s operations. However, each faces a common enemy: a ruthless and desperate slave catcher portrayed by Ewen Bremner (T2 Trainspotting). When this relentless pursuer discovers the secret network, he conspires to capture every runaway, with a morbid preference for bringing bounties in dead rather than alive and burning all surrounding hopes to the ground.

Freedom’s Path boasts a remarkable ensemble cast, including Afemo Omilami (Forrest Gump, True Detective), the late Thomas Jefferson Byrd (Set It Off), Steven Swadling (Kickboxer), and Harrison Gilbertson (Oppenheimer), each delivering captivating performances that breathe life and angelic charisma into their characters.

The film’s strength lies in its straightforward dialogue, which cuts to the heart of the matter. It invites viewers to confront a difficult truth that remains taboo yet essential. Freedom’s Path reminds us that change often begins with a single person who is willing to challenge the status quo and fight for a better future.

Freedom’s Path is a brilliant cinematic masterpiece that holds the viewer’s attention from start to finish. With its captivating performances and poignant narrative, the film serves as a potent reminder that one individual can catalyze a transformative change in society. It confronts uncomfortable truths and demonstrates that even in the darkest times – the pathway to a better future is possible.

Freedom’s Path releases theatrically today and VOD/Digitally on October 6.

Jen Pourreza
Founder, Head Writer for RealPopC - Pop Culture Entertainment News, Reviews, Playlists, and more. Master at Parent Volunteering. Proud Dog Owner. He's named after one of my favorite artists. Expert at Fish Tanks. Kitchen Queen- Can bake and cook just about anything. Love movies, art, music, and all things fun & entertaining.
review-freedoms-pathFreedom's Path is an emotionally charged and thought-provoking film that navigates the complexities of the Civil War era with gripping storytelling and exceptional performances. Gerran Howell and RJ Cyler shine as two unlikely allies in a time of turmoil, and Ewen Bremner's portrayal of a relentless slave catcher adds an intense layer of suspense to the narrative. With its direct dialogue and compelling message about the power of individual change, this movie is a must-see for anyone seeking a powerful exploration of history and humanity.