‘Game Of Thrones’ Showrunners Have The Next ‘Star Wars’ Film After ‘The Rise Of Skywalker’

While others are a perpetual outrage with each new episode of Game of Thrones, my chief complaint about this final season is that you can practically see showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss rushing to just get the damn thing done. But this isn’t a platform to examine HBO’s hit series, except in relation to what the duo are in such a hurry to do next, which is direct the first post-Skywalker trilogy in the Star Wars universe.

Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed at a recent event that Benioff and Weiss’ untitled Star Wars trilogy will be the one recently confirmed in a series of release dates beginning in 2022.  A few months ago this might’ve been news to get the fans excited, but given the response to Game of Thrones‘ final season it may be a case of really poor timing. While you could definitely take issue with some of the storyline decisions since the duo moved beyond George R.R. Martin’s books, the real problem is execution and that falls squarely on the showrunners. Cutting corners, short-changing emotional beats, it all feels very rushed as evidenced by that whole episode with the Starbucks cup. I mean, how does something like that happen in a major top shelf production? It shouldn’t.

So I expect this won’t go over well, and Iger probably should’ve waited a month or two before dropping this nut. The dates for those upcoming Star Wars films are Dec. 16th 2022, Dec. 12th 2024 and Dec. 18th 2026, which makes you wonder whether Rian Johnson’s movies will come after or in-between?