‘Shazam 2’ Won’t Include Henry Cavill As Superman, After All

If only we could see through the Internet rumors like Superman's X-ray vision. The future of Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel has...
Blade has lost Director Yann Demange

‘Blade’: Marvel Hires ‘Watchmen’ Writer For The Daywalker’s Return Film

The Daywalker now has someone to write his vampire adventures. Marvel Studios has hired Stacy Osei-Kuffour to write the upcoming Blade film starring Oscar...
Leto Joker

Zack Snyder Shares A Blurry Look the Snyder Cut Version of Leto’s Joker

Jared Leto's take on the Joker was easily one of the most trashed upon aspects of the DCEU over the last 5 years. I've...

‘Birds Of Prey’ Director Cathy Yan Talks Challenges She Faced, Wishes She Had “More...

Birds of Prey director Cathy Yan has made no secret her displeasure over the handling of her film during production, claiming Warner Bros. made...

Coogler Signs 5-Year Deal With Disney. Wakanda Series Coming First

The biggest, and saddest, question mark in all of Marvel for the last six months has been on top of the MCU's most popular...

The Mystery is Revealed In The Latest Clip From ‘WandaVision’

WOW! Those first three episodes buried the lead but I'll be damned if the top wasn't just blown of by Marvel Studios recently released...

It’s Official: ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice’ Is A 4-Hour Movie Coming To HBO Max On...

It's official: Zack Snyder's Justice League is not a 4-hour series, but a 4-hour movie event coming to HBO Max. Warner Bros. and Snyder...
Zack Snyder

‘Justice League’: Zack Snyder Left Due To Having “No Energy To Fight” With Studio

When Zack Snyder exited Justice League deep into production following the tragic death of his daughter, many, including yours truly, speculated there was more to the...

‘Morbius’ Flies To January 2022, Escapes Showdown With ‘No Time To Die’

In the battle of James Bond vs. Morbius, the living vampire blinked first. It was barely two weeks ago that Sony pushed the Spider-Man...

‘Black Widow’ Could Be Delayed Once More Before Heading To Disney+

While WandaVision on Disney+ has given fans their first taste of Marvel action in well over a year, the big screen situation is still...