Home TV Netflix Praise Crom! Netflix Is Developing A ‘Conan’ TV Series

Praise Crom! Netflix Is Developing A ‘Conan’ TV Series

Conan the barbarian

Conan, originally a series of stories by Robert E. Howard, the property that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to the wide world is, surprisingly, one of the most underutilized out there. Books, comics, games, you name it and there’s a version of it starring the Cimmeran from the Hyborian Age…yet there’s only three films (four if you count Red Sonja) out there. Of course, the less then ideal performance of the 2011 reboot is partly to blame but thankfully Netflix is coming to the rescue once again. Word on the street is that Netflix has made a deal with Pathfinder Media to not only bring a Conan series to the streaming giant but have negotiated access to the entire Conan literary library to be used for TV, movies, and animated series. There was always something about Conan that brought people to the theater but something about the timing on this seems right. It’s been a long, long, time since sword and sorcery was really big, the closest we got was Game of Thrones which would serve as a good stepping stone to Conan’s stories, and like Thrones they can be told as grim, deep stories with even more action. Think GOT, but with the Dothraki as the main characters and throw in some wizards for good measure.

Time will tell how it will end up, but I’ll tell you one thing, I’m holding on to that Netflix subscription. Until then…I leave you with this