‘Star Wars: Episode 9’ Could See Another Major Character’s Long-Awaited Return

With Star Wars: Episode 9 coming up next year, it’s the last chance to see some old faces in this latest trilogy. There has been one major notable absence so far, but a new rumor from the fan site Fantha Tracks (judge accordingly) says a character that we recently saw as a much younger version of in Solo: A Star Wars Story will make his long-awaited return to the core movies.

Of course I’m talking about Lando Calrissian, with the rumor saying that Billy Dee Williams will be reprising the role.  The last time we saw galaxy’s infamous rogue and swindler was in Solo: A Star Wars Story played effortlessly by Donald Glover. While there has been a call for Glover to play Lando again, I think there’s just as much demand to see Billy Dee don the cape at least one more time.  The site claims to have a couple of sources on this one, so I guess we should take it seriously?

You know me, though. I give the side eye to every story that reads a little too perfect. If I were going to make up a Star Wars rumor that sounded perfectly plausible in order to get clicks this is the kind of thing I’d come up with. The rumor may be complete bullshit and yet still come true, so I guess until we see J.J. Abrams drinking a Colt 45 with Billy Dee on set take it with a grain of salt.

Star Wars: Episode 9 opens December 21st 2019.