Originally titled Spider-Man: Freshman Year when introduced in 2021, Marvel’s animated Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series is finally hitting Disney+ next month. The timing couldn’t be better to drop the first trailer with What If…? coming to an end, and the next Tom Holland Spider-Man movie still pretty far in the distance.
As seen in the new trailer, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man goes back to the early days of Peter Parker as the wallcrawler, with art inspired by the great artist Steve Ditko. Set in an alternate universe, the series finds Parker under the guidance of Norman Osborne, aka the future Green Goblin, rather than Tony Stark. What kind of impact will that have on Spidey’s superheroics?
Mason Thames, who voiced Parker during What If…? reprises the role. Colman Domingo joins him as Norman Osborne, which makes me and I’m sure everyone at Marvel want him to do the live-action role, too. Charlie Cox continues on as Matt Murdock/Daredevil, with Hugh Dancy as Dr. Octopus, along with Eugene Byrd, Grace Song, Paul F. Tompkins, Kari Wahlgren, Zeno Robinson, and Vincent D’onofrio as Kingpin.
Other characters expected to show up include Dr. Stephen Strange, Amadeus Cho, Finesse, Chameleon, Mac Gargan / Scorpion, Rhino, Tarantula, Butane, Nico Minoru, Speed Demon, Carmela Black, Unicorn, Tony Stark / Iron Man, Curt Connors, Venom, and White Rabbit.
The series was created by Jeff Trammell, who also serves as head writer.
Your Friendly Neighborhoood Spider-Man hits Disney+ on January 29th 2025.