31 Days Of Horror Day 27: ‘The Power’ (1984)

Directed by: Stephen Carpenter, Jeffrey Obrow

Synopsis: A few people come into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. But an evil spirit possesses the doll and has the ability to take over their bodies.

Horror films of the 1980’s were a dime a dozen. Any ancient legend someone came across or maniacal killer a writer can dream up became an eye-catching VHS box sitting on the shelf of your local video store. Most complete garbage, some caught fire and some became enduring franchises. Then there were ones like The Power. Your middle of the road, fairly forgettable fare that would pop up now and then and elicit a “have I seen this one before?” type of feeling. 

There’s an Aztec doll that houses a trapped demon named Destacatyl. He’s able to grant inexplicable power but will eventually corrupt and control the holder’s soul. The idol passes through the hands of numerous people before eventually ending up with Jerry (Warren Lincoln).  After getting a taste of what Destacatyl can offer, Jerry soon does everything he can to keep the idol in his possession. Causing him to spill blood and create mayhem for everyone surrounding him.  

The Power’s script had a somewhat unique concept. An interesting take on the coveting of an object that grants absolute power, only to eventually corrupt its holder. But it felt like a wasted opportunity. Eventually feeling like every other run-of-the-mill horror flick of the era. Multiple plot lines are introduced only to dead-end, the story is a bit of a mess and there’s little to no legit scares. Not even a feeling of unease. As each possessor calls upon the power of Destacatyl, they begin to morph into a grotesque life sized version of the idol. Ending up being more amusing than frightening, but at least the practical effects looked good and the acting was decent. 

I almost wonder if its intention is legit horror or just the camp aspect it borders. There’s nothing really memorable about this film. The Power has some decent effects driven scenes, some almost cinematic shots but really lacks the “oomph” to push it ahead of the pack. Aside from diehard horror fans, there’s really no reason to search this one out. It just becomes another in the long line of cool looking 1980’s VHS covers with very little substance behind it. 

If you absolutely feel the need to experience this one for yourself, then Tubi is the place. 

1.5 out of 5

So grab your popcorn, kill the lights and join me again tomorrow as we continue our journey on this strange little trip down the 31 Days of Horror rabbit hole. See you soon…

The Power
Photographer, videographer, occasional writer and all around horror nerd.
31-days-of-horror-day-27-the-power-1984Synopsis: A few people come into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. But an evil spirit possesses the doll and has the ability to take over their bodies. Horror films of the 1980’s were a dime a dozen. Any ancient legend someone came across or...