31 Days of Horror Day 2: ‘Tourist Trap’ (1979)

    Directed by: David Schmoeller

    Synopsis: After some car trouble, a group of friends stumble across a secluded roadside museum. As the sun sets they are stalked by a masked assailant that uses telekinetic powers to control the attraction’s mannequins. 

    I know the Tourist Trap cover art. That creepy masked figure holding a camera staring deep into your soul with those black, lifeless eyes That image has haunted my dreams for years. I swear I had seen this flick before and subsequently blocked it from memory for some horrific reason. But alas, upon viewing this 90 minute slasher from 1979, I have zero memory of this film. Although fairly popular in the horror community, it completely slipped past me. I’m not sure if that was by accident or a purposeful avoidance of a film featuring doll-like mannequins. For those that don’t know, I’ve had a long standing fear of dolls. It’s that whole uncanny valley thing. Good news though, I have gotten over that fear fairly recently immersing myself in all the doll related films I can find. Yay horror!

    Tourist Trap begins when a couple experience a flat off the highway. The young man, being the gentleman that he is, ventures off down the road in search of a service station. He happens across a seemingly abandoned roadside attraction. He wanders inside to see if anyone is around only to be locked in a room full of mannequins. Before he has the chance to question what’s going on the room erupts in maniacal laughter as the mannequins seemingly come to life. Windows slam shut, shit flies off the wall and his options are running out. Let’s just say, he doesn’t survive. As for the rest, I don’t want to ruin the fun so you’ll just have to see it for yourself. 

    From the first few scenes, Tourist Trap will grab any horror fan’s attention. There is a little bit for everyone. With elements of paranormal happenings, strange methods of murder and an extremely odd duck of a man curating this little country roadside museum that’s filled to the brim with strange lifelike dolls. This flick has all the ingredients set to take you on a wild ride. 

    Starring the legendary Chuck Conners as the proprietor of this little roadside mystery shack and a handful of other familiar faces this film will surprise you just like it did to me. It jumps straight out the gate and just gets zanier as it progresses. I’m surprised it took me this long for me to watch. Then again, that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I honestly thought I had already seen it. 

    This is a fun little PG slasher flick from the late 70’s that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Keep in mind that this was in the days before the PG-13 rating so maybe make sure the kiddos are over 13. There is very little blood, implied nudity, zero bad language, some tense scenes and creepy mannequins…god there were mannequins everywhere. I was able to catch this one on Prime so if you haven’t seen it or are looking to revisit it, that would be the place to go. 

    Grab your popcorn, kill the lights and join me again tomorrow as we continue our journey on this strange little trip down the 31 Days of Horror rabbit hole. See you soon…