Home Podcasts Cinema Royale Cinema Royale: Talking ‘Freelance’, A John Cena/Alison Brie Debacle

Cinema Royale: Talking ‘Freelance’, A John Cena/Alison Brie Debacle

People keep asking me “Where is your Freelance review”? You seriously thought I was going to sit down and write a review of this? There was no way I was going to spend more time writing a review than they actually spent writing Freelance. The only way I was going to review it was by talking it out with my homie, Chris Bumbray of Joblo.com, like the two seasoned pros that we are.

So this entire episode is about Freelance, which stars John Cena, Alison Brie, and is directed by Pierre Morel, director of one of the greatest action movies ever, District B13. But because this is us and Freelance is a “special” kind of movie, we go off on a few tangents so excuse us.

Enjoy this bit of silly fun.

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