31 Days of Horror: Day 5 ‘Exists’ (2014)

Directed by: Eduardo Sanchez


Synopsis: A group of friends who venture into the remote Texas woods for a weekend of partying and carefree fun find themselves stalked by Bigfoot. 

It’s really that simple, five friends (two couples and an odd man out) head to the woods for a weekend away at an abandoned cabin owned by one of the friend’s uncles. The fifth wheel in this group is documenting everything on camera under the auspices of making a YouTube video showcasing his friends mountain biking. Which explains why the whole thing is shot completely “found footage” style. On the drive in, they hit something that is vaguely humanoid but it scampers off before they can examine it. This kicks off a series of sightings surrounding the cabin they’re in and whispers of Bigfoot among the group. 

Anyone that knows me or has read my previous reviews, knows that I’m not a huge fan of “found footage” style horror with very few exceptions. One of those being the original Blair Witch Project. That flick came out around the time I was living in a fairly rural area not too far from the place it was set. It really seemed like a plausible scenario given the way it was presented and marketed. It literally scared the hell out of me and made the drives/walks home a terrifying ordeal. I bring this up because Eduardo Sanchez was one of the men responsible for that film as well. So of course, when another “found footage” style flick with his name on it popped up, I had to watch it. 

This one doesn’t pretend to be anything more than it is. It’s a story about being stranded in the woods, with no way to contact the outside world while being stalked by a flash of fur on the periphery that is screaming a primal, blood curdling scream. Although the premise is flimsy for the reason they’re filming to begin with, the movie itself is a terrifying rush of adrenaline. With the over-abundance of shitty Bigfoot/Sasquatch films out there, this one is done fairly well. I’m not sure why it took me so long to watch it. The acting is mediocre but that doesn’t really matter because the effects are well done and the creature itself is a menacing presence that draws attention away from the other flaws. 

Listen, this isn’t a blockbuster hit that collected a ton of awards but it’s a solid creature based horror movie that will get your heart pumping and keep it elevated for the tight 81 minute runtime. It’s not the best, but it’s not terrible either. Perfectly average run of the mill genre flick that will entertain you on that dark, spooky October night. 

If you’re interested in checking this one out for yourself, I was able to find it streaming on Prime as of this writing. 

Join me again tomorrow as we continue our journey down the horror rabbit hole.


31-days-of-horror-day-5-exists-2014  Synopsis: A group of friends who venture into the remote Texas woods for a weekend of partying and carefree fun find themselves stalked by Bigfoot.  It’s really that simple, five friends (two couples and an odd man out) head to the woods for a weekend...