31 Days Of Horror: Day 25 ‘Sorority House Massacre’ (1986)

Directed by: Carol Frank

Synopsis: College student Beth and her sorority sisters are stalked by an escaped psychopathic killer who shares a strange telepathic link with her. 

In Sorority House Massacre, Beth (Angela O’Neill) moves into a sorority house after her aunt passes away, but this house has a history. Many years ago it was the site of a brutal massacre where a young man took the lives of his parents and sisters, leaving only the youngest surviving. After being locked away for years in a semi-lucid state, teetering somewhere between sleep and consciousness the man escapes captivity and heads back to the scene of the crime to continue his rampage. Beth is plagued with visions of her death after developing a strange psychic bond between herself and the killer. Not knowing if she’s crazy or if it’s something deeper, Beth tries to convince her sorority sisters of what’s coming before it’s too late. 

This flick shares a lot in common with the 1982 cult classic, The Slumber Party Massacre, and for good reason. I mean, it’s a formula that works, plus Writer/Director Carol Frank was actually assistant director on that earlier project. This was Frank’s only attempt at directing a feature and didn’t do that bad of a job at it. The story takes the trope of a group of girls, home alone partying with their boyfriends while a killer stalks them and throws a telepathic slant on it. It’s not all that unique but it works. Bonus, early in the film there’s a scene featuring a montage of sorority girls trying on clothes with copious amounts of nudity and a sax-filled soundtrack (god I love 80’s movies). 

Long story short…this movie wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible either. It’s a perfectly suitable average horror film. It’s a low budget slasher without the gore, filled with 80’s new age psycho-babble. It’s nothing to write home about but it’s a watchable 74 minutes. 

If it sounds like your bag, then you can catch this one streaming on Tubi as of this writing.  

Join me again tomorrow as we continue this strange little journey down the horror rabbit hole.

Sorority House Massacre
31-days-of-horror-day-25-sorority-house-massacre-1986Synopsis: College student Beth and her sorority sisters are stalked by an escaped psychopathic killer who shares a strange telepathic link with her.  In Sorority House Massacre, Beth (Angela O’Neill) moves into a sorority house after her aunt passes away, but this house has a...