Watch Hitler Freak Out Hilariously Over Taika Waititi’s ‘Jojo Rabbit’

Given the…uhh, sensitive society we live in making a satirical comedy about Adolf Hitler is a risky gamble. That thing damn well better be FUNNY. Fortunately, Jojo Rabbit, which is a light-hearted story about a Nazi youth with Hitler as his imaginary friend, has Thor: Ragnarok’s Taika Waititi behind it.

Waititi wrote and directed Jojo Rabbit, but he also plays Hitler in a performance that looks hilarious. But not everybody would find it so funny, and one of those people is Hitler himself. Today, Waititi posted a video of Hitler’s reaction to Jojo Rabbit, and if you recognize the decade-old meme you know he was none too pleased…

That clip comes from the 2004 film Downfall, which someone turned into a parody a couple of years later that went viral.

Hitler’s freakout here is incredible and the dialogue had me in tears. If this is what we can expect from Jojo Rabbit we’re all in for one helluva treat when it opens on October 18th.