Lucasfilm Says Multiple ‘Star Wars’ Films In The Works, Not “On Hold”

Disney and Lucasfilm are doing a bit of damage control, folks. Funny how often they’ve had to do this since Star Wars was purchased by the Mouse House, but it seems to be a regular occurrence. Yesterday we learned of plans to put on hold all future A Star Wars Story spinoffs. No Solo sequel, no Boba Fett or Obi-Wan Kenobi movies…nothin’, at least for now. That set the Internet off, as you might imagine, although the mixed reaction probably wasn’t what Disney had expected.

Anyway, ABC News, which we must note is owned by Disney, says that reporting is inaccurate or premature at best, with multiple Star Wars film still in the works…

Instead, Lucasfilm told ABC News there are still “multiple” Star Wars films currently in development that have not been officially announced. Those projects are moving forward separate from an already-announced “Star Wars” trilogy being overseen by “The Last Jedi” director Rian Johnson and another series of movies from “Game of Thrones” producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

If I wanted to nitpick I could point out A Star Wars Story spinoffs weren’t specifically mentioned, but I think the point is clear. It seems Disney is trying to get ahead of this story before others take it and run with it too far, which would put an ugly fog over every upcoming film.

On the other hand, Disney might have realized a lot of fans were happy to learn the spinoffs were shelved if it meant a tighter focus on core trilogies. Taking control of the narrative could be their way of coming up with a plan to please those fans, too. What’s that they say about trying to please everybody all of the time?