Home Uncategorized Zachary Levi Lights Up Fan Who Trashed His ‘Shazam!’ Costume

Zachary Levi Lights Up Fan Who Trashed His ‘Shazam!’ Costume

You know by now that I hate posting set photos here unless they truly have something consequential in them. And that is VERY rare. More often than not it’s better to wait for an officially released image. One of the reasons is that, regardless of the image’s quality (most look like shit, but some are tops) there is always going to be post-production work done on any costumes, CGI characters, etc. So when fans starting knocking set photos of Zachary Levi in his Shazam! costume, I thought it was premature and silly.

Apparently, Levi agrees. The actor was holding a live Q&A with fans and replied angrily to one jerk who asked him why he’s wearing a “crap suit.”  I love his response, and I hope it wins him some new fans…

“‘Why the crap suit?’ WOW! Okay, well I don’t think it’s a crap suit. I think my suit is f—in’ bomb, to be perfectly honest. I know that there hasn’t been an officially released photo yet, but there have been incredibly high quality photos that have been released. And I think any of you people out there who are still hung up on what the suit looks like are just wanting to be angry for angry’s sake. I think you’re very insecure, you probably are dealing with some stuff in your own life, and you feel a little powerless, and I’m sorry that you do. Wherever you’re at and whatever you’re going through, I’m sorry that you’re going through that.

“But, I do think you should probably take a second and reflect on why you’re as negative as you are about maybe anything in life, and then re-look at the suit and go, ‘Actually hey, you know what? They’re trying really hard to make something that’s awesome and that pleases a lot of different people,’ because Captain Marvel’s been around for a really long time and has had a whole bunch of different iterations of suits. So, you can’t win ’em all, but you can at least hope that people will give you a fair shake. For any of you out there that still don’t think you’ve been given a fair shake, and don’t wanna give us a fair shake, well then, sucks to your assmar, I don’t know what to tell you.”

For the record, the suit’s not crap. It’s big, bulky with fake muscles, red, has a long flowing white cape, and the iconic lightning bolt on the chest. It looks like a kid’s idea of what a superhero would look like, which makes sense considering the kid-friendly source material. And as I said before, there will be visual effects work that still needs to be done.

Levi’s response was the right one because at least it shows he’s passionate about the movie and will defend it. Regardless of what some others will tell you, fans need to see that stuff, not the typical toeing of the company line. Good for him.

Shazam! opens April 5th 2019.

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