31 Days of Horror Day 19: The Lift (1983)

Directed by: Dick Maas

Synopsis: A lift technician finds himself drawn into a web of mystery and peril as he investigates the perplexing deadly accidents occurring in the elevators of a new office building. 

In an effort to continue filling in the gaps in my horror knowledge. Tonight’s offering is the Dutch film The Lift. From director Dick Maas. Maas achieved some fame after directing this film as well as Amsterdamned in the 80’s (Apparently there is a sequel to Amsterdamned currently in production if you’re a fan). Like most, he began in the world of music videos. Directing Golden Earring’s videos for Radar Love, Twilight Zone as well as the controversial When the Lady Smiles. If you’re not familiar, Haas portrayed a sexual assault on a nun. Thus getting the video banned from MTV and ultimately led to the failure of the single in the states. But I digress. 

The Lift takes place in Amsterdam, where an elevator inexplicably starts to operate on its own. After a storm takes out power and traps four people within one of the cars, the doors fail to open and the occupants almost suffocate. More malfunctions occur and Felix Adelaar (Huub Stapel), the elevator repairman is called in to assess the issue. 

After some digging Felix confirms there is no mechanical issue with the lift. But a controller box from the shady company Rising Sun seems to be the culprit. You see, Rising Sun manufactures microprocessors and has been dabbling in microchips made from organic matter. It seems that these protein based controllers have begun to self-replicate and gained sentience. Felix has yet to figure this out and becomes obsessed with finding the answers to why this lift is accumulating a body count. 

His wife ends up leaving him and taking the kids due to his new fixation. Felix, with nothing left to lose, heads to the building to figure out the mystery once and for all. After attempting to access the control box, unsuccessfully. Thanks to the lift with a brain. He heads for the elevator shaft and finds a pulsing microprocessor covered in sticky goo. A battle ensues between Felix and the lift. Knocking him off the ledge and almost killing him before he escapes through a door. 

Just as this happens, the CEO of Rising Sun arrives and sees the failed experiment. He pulls a gun and fires at the organic silicon chip in an attempt to kill it. A cable shoots out of the shaft, dragging the CEO in and hangs him. As Felix takes the stairs we hear a faint heartbeat. 

The practical effects were well done. The acting was good for what it was. The dubbing was a little off but that’s to be expected. As silly as this sounds, I enjoyed this cheesy little 80’s dark comedy flick about man versus machine. The Lift is techno-horror basically talking about an AI threat before it was really a thing. Now, with us being in a world of  “the internet of things”, where everything is connected. Maas just might have been on to something there. 

If you want to check this one out, look no further than Tubi

3.5 out of 5

So grab your popcorn, kill the lights and join me again tomorrow as we continue our journey on this strange little trip down the 31 Days of Horror rabbit hole. See you soon…


The Lift
Photographer, videographer, occasional writer and all around horror nerd.
31-days-of-horror-day-19-the-lift-1983Synopsis: A lift technician finds himself drawn into a web of mystery and peril as he investigates the perplexing deadly accidents occurring in the elevators of a new office building.  In an effort to continue filling in the gaps in my horror knowledge. Tonight’s offering...