Home News The Mystery is Revealed In The Latest Clip From ‘WandaVision’

The Mystery is Revealed In The Latest Clip From ‘WandaVision’


WOW! Those first three episodes buried the lead but I’ll be damned if the top wasn’t just blown of by Marvel Studios recently released sneak peak at the remaining episodes of WandaVision. Seriously, there’s more exposition in this 1 minute of footage then in the 90 minutes that came before. Some major highlights include a reveal that SWORD is not behind the goings on, D’arcy finally makes her way to the screen and is exactly as quirky and adorable as she’s always been. It seems the folks in the real world (the real in-universe Marvel world I mean) are just as confused about the so-called ‘Westfields Anomaly’ as we are. If anyone was feeling mystery fatigue after those first three episodes this should be just the shot in the arm you need, come to think of it that’s probably exactly why they released this. Feedback on the show hasn’t been bad but there has been a universal feeling of “c’mon, reveal something” amongst the fanbase. Check out the trailer below and watch WandaVision on Disney+, episode 4 is live today!

PS. That shot of Wanda about to break the barrier of the anomaly at the very end is going to be an EPIC shot when it plays out, mark my words.



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