Home TV HBO Max It’s Official! ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Will Be A Dual Release, Theaters and...

It’s Official! ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Will Be A Dual Release, Theaters and HBOMax!

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Wonder Woman 1984 was the last major holdout for a 2020 theatrical release, and with every day that past it seemed more and more likely to get pushed. I’ll give it to Warners, they stood their ground, but still gave in a bit. The trailer below, that was just released this evening stands as the official announcement that Wonder Woman 1984 would release both in theaters and on HBOMax on the same day, Christmas 2020! Most interesting, and probably most welcome is that little fine print, for ONCE, fine print is a good thing. In this case the fine print says At No Extra Cost To Existing Subscribers, well, Merry Christmas to us!!! I’m not quite over my excitement enough to analyze what this means for release strategies moving forward, but I’m sure it would suffice to say that this will set a precedent, even before premier. What it says for theatrical release will stand to be seen, thought I’m not sure it will really be a fair assessment. Can we really be surprised if the box office receipts are crap? No, I mean we have a vaccine in sight but it won’t be before Christmas, and while families routinely go to the movies together on Christmas day how can you really expect people to decide between risking the theater to spend $100 when they could stay home and safe for $15?

Wonder Woman 1984 Hits Theaters and HBOMax on December 25th, 2020


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