Home News ‘Castle In The Ground’ Trailer Gives A Sobering Look At The Opiod...

‘Castle In The Ground’ Trailer Gives A Sobering Look At The Opiod Crisis

Considering it’s still raging through the world it seems odd to see a movie taking place at the start of the opiod epidemic, but here we are. Though, I supposed if you’re going to set a movie in this time period about something so serious there’s no one better to lead it up then Imogene Poots who’s talents seem to few bounds. Given that it’s a trailer we only get a few minutes to look at here but the direction by Joey Klein seems to really hammer home the themes and feels of what I imagine the films going to tackle. Ana and Henry are two young people who become embroiled in drugs and addiction, after stealing a stash they are on the run for their lives. That plot line seems more like the plot for something like Go (calling back to the 90’s folks), but the serious take they are going here seems like it could end up with something deep and meaningful. Follow all of our coverage here, and check out the trailer below!

Castle In The Ground hits digital on May 15th, 2020

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