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The ‘Unfriended: Dark Web’ Trailer Is A Warning To Stay Away From Strange Laptops

Blumhouse has a number of surprising success stories under their belt, and 2014’s Unfriended was another. Costing approximately $1M, the horror film earned $64M, powered by good buzz and a twisted concept that found a bunch of high schoolers terrorized by a haunted Skype call. There’s been genuinely hot buzz for the upcoming semi-sequel, Unfriended: Dark Web, which takes a similar conceit and tells a more horrifying story.

The directorial debut of The Grudge writer Stephen Susco finds a group of college kids dealing with the dangers of technology, albeit in a different way than the typical message movie. This time it’s a laptop full of snuff films that sets things off, followed by the revelations that what’s happening in them is real, and that the laptop’s owner has plans for them next. They should’ve just taken the laptop to the Lost ‘n Found and been done with it. Now they gotta die.

Starring  Colin Woodell, Rebecca Rittenhouse, Betty Gabriel and Andrew Lees, Unfriended: Dark Web opens July 20th 2018.

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